Friday, May 2, 2014

Testing the magic wand


So I tried the curling wand several times. Just to be sure I can tell you if the statements are true. To be honest I was already sold on the interview day, that's how positive I am about the curling wand.
The way it looks so easy and the fact that it curls a section of hair in 3 seconds! The result on me: 

Curled inwards towards the face.
Curled outwards away from the face

OK so back to the statements on the last blog:

Statement 1: you will manage to curl all your hair in 10 min.
I do think it could be true when you get the hang of it. But it took me at least 15 minutes to be honest so for me it's a false.

Statement 2: the curling wand heats up in 10 sec.

Yes it does! popped that baby on and it was ready to go in 10 seconds. So a true to the amazing 10 seconds.

Statement 3: It's made of ceramic so it won't damage the hair.

OK to make things clear. I do feel that my hair gets dry after using it several times in a row, BUT it damages the hair MUCH less then the other ones I used before. Plus, you won't need any hairspray to hold the curls so you're hair is product free which prevents split ends or damage to the hair. I would give it a 50/50 when it comes to true or false. But if you're going to style your hair every day or often I think you're also aware it damages the hair anyways so you might as well use Jose Eber products because the damage is minimal.

Statement 4: you have a Life time guarantee after purchase.True because you get a paper with a confirmation of the life time guarantee. And i already swapped one because mine got damaged...awkward me!

Statement 5: it makes your hair look healthier.

As weird as this may sounds... it does! it may dry your hair on often usage, but when you curl a section of hair it looks shinier and healthier. Before the curling your hair looks dull but once you've curled the hair it looks shinier and polished. so a big YES for this one!

Statement 6: stays in the hair up to 3 days.
I usually was my hair in 2 days...but I did it for you guys ha ha! I wouldn't say it was curled after 3-days but it was still wavy apart from the greasiness...felt gross for doing that. again a 50-50 true of false. 

So these were all the statements that were made on the Jose Eber curling wand.
I am happy that i bought this wand. Because I also tried my old curling wand, and yeah there is a big difference in the end result of the look. And a HUGE difference in the damage that can be felt and seen.
If you want to buy a long lasting curling wand I would definitely go for these curling wands. 
And it goes against my principals of wallet friendly motto but if you do buy one for €130,- euros you will benefit from it for the rest of your life. Wanna see the approximately price I will pay for the rest of my life?...

OK let's do this!
Let's say the average lifespan of woman is around 85 years old (hope I live over a 100 ha ha!).
so I'm 20 years old  so : 85 - 20 = 65 years of guarantee
65 years x 365 to calculate the days, makes: 23.140 days of guarantee
€130,00 / 23.140 days = €0,0056 a day. And I haven't counted the extra days of the leap years.
Are you sold yet? ha ha

Anyways! hope you enjoyed this review. I will update you soon with more awesomeness in the world! Take care!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

I'm Back with exciting news!

I'm finally back! I'm sorry it took a while..

So before I'm telling you straight on what the exciting news is, let's start from the beginning of the story on how I got this awesome news:

I had a day off and was shopping in the Bijenkorf (which is a big mall of big brands here in Holland).
And i saw this stand selling the hairproducts of José Eber.
Funny thing is that my friend recently bought a curling wand of that brand. She told me it was amazing and I got curious by the product. So I went up to the stand.
That is where I came in touch with the Lovely manager Tamar. Because she was the person helping me explaining the product.

So we had a nice chat and all and she explained how it works and demonstrated on my hair aswell.

And this part is where the exciting news comes in. BECAUSE I managed to make an appointment to have an interview with Tamar!
To know more about the amazing curling wand. Also not to forget is to let you see how to do the curling at home! Tamar and I both thought it would be helpfull for you at home to know how it works.

Back to the video!

I'm going to show you the tutorial and the interview so you can see what we talked about!
So click on the link below if you want to see the the tutorial part. The second part is the interview to know more about the product.


Tutorial part

And if you want to see the Interview part click on this link below:

Interview José Eber.

So to list all the reasons why you should buy the wand:
-you will manage to curl all your hair in 10 min.
-the curling wand heats up in 10 sec.
-It's made of ceramic so it won't damage the hair.
-you have a Life time warrantee after purchase.
-it makes your hair look healthier.
-stays in the hair up to 3 days.

On the next blog post I will have a Review on the Product of José Eber. To see and show you if the statements are real. So kind of like a myth buster haha!
Talk to you soon!

 Also check out my other vids on my youtube channel!
It's called -> Sheermannequin

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Hello everyone,

This is just a short report of my life at the moment.

I made a breakthrough ha ha! I finally made my first makeup video on YouTube <- Link
You can find my channel under the name: Sheer Mannequin <-Link

So the first video I made is called 'naked to fabulous- elegant party make up'.
To describe what the look is like: it's a soft neutral smokey eye of brown shimmery colours
In combination with a neutral nude lip OR dark red lips. I love wearing this look lately and wanted to share it with you! 

The first part 'Naked to fabulous' is the beginning of a serie party make up looks.
So the Elegant party make up is the first 'episode' of that serie.
Maybe you have some suggestions,or requests for some looks. 
It's all welcome! I just started and I would love to hear what you think of it!

A lovely friend of mine called Denise works at Clinique, and she gave me this amazing goodiebag as a present, and I just LOVE the products that she gave me. I will make a review about it for sure!
Just want to thank you Denise for all the help and love!

Another thing is... 
I'm going to england on the 26th! So exited! I will head for the shopping centres for sure, and blog about my little adventure in england for sure. So stay tuned!

And Merry Christmas to you all! Big hug*

Saturday, December 21, 2013

True Happiness or Sadness? Rituals gift set review

Welcome on the first review of products!
This review is about the 'True Happiness' gift set of Rituals.

A lovely friend gave it to me on my birthday, and I thought this might be a great opportunity for me to tell you all about the products in that set. This review is my personal experience with the products, but it's supported by facts.
Ready? Here we go!
A little information about the brand Rituals.
Their vision on their product is to transform the dull daily life routines into little moments to enjoy, without too much effort. And they want to support creating those moments. Is it true? well let's find out..

On your right you see the True Happiness
Gift set. OK! so whats in it??
(from left to right):

-Shower foam  Happy Buddha
-Shower  Oil Fortune Oil
-Body cream  Touch of Happiness
-Body scrub  Good Luck Scrub

So over all I think it looks neat. But I might think that a product could have been used at purchase because of the front that's left open. I do like the contrast with the bright Orange with the black. very smart! It's really an eye catcher and suits the theme perfectly
It's also a good size to get familiar with a product, without being forced to stick with the product for a long time.(sounds familiar?)
I got this as a present and yes I knowww I shouldn't know the price but I want to tell you as much information as I can so I cheated...just a little...
The price of this set is € 16,50 in total and it's a perfect price for weather it's a besty, family, friends etc.etc. hey, were all in the financial crisis right?! Better watch out with spending!


name: Happy Buddha
scent: Organic Mandarin & Yuzu.
And I find that the scent of the organic mandarin indeed is true. It smells like someone is eating mandarin ha ha. But of course the scent is lighter than that. I also find the scent refreshing and there is a hint of green tea in it. Not sure if that's just me though.
About the consistency, I had a different expectation before trying it. I thought it would be the same foam that you would get when your rinsing your hands from the fluid soap. But NO! it's more thick. Some what like shaving foam! it really stays on the skin and gets thicker when you rub it into the skin.
I do have to say I think I would prefer another scent. but besides that I really like this product. The benefit of this product is that your skin will be less dried out after using it then using a fluid soap. Fluid soap is more concentrated and harsh for the skin then the foam soap. I still would suggest a body moisturizer afterwards, but it helps you with preventing skin irritation.
After rinsing it off and towel drying, the scent still is present but not too strong. Smells fresh but still wearable in combination with perfume. Pretty nice!
1 of 10: 8
name: Fortune oil
scent: Sweet Orange & Cedar Wood
About the scent, it smells more artificial. It's more like a perfume with a hint of orange. To be honest I couldn't tell any scent of cedar wood in this product.
What I do like, is that this product is on a oil base. It is soap but it moisturizes the skin perfectly. As you might know oil bounces of water so the soap will be removed but the feeding oil will stick to the skin (so rinse well!) I think this product is good on its own. perfect for when your in a hurry! Because of the oil you won't be needing a body lotion or some sort. I do think the scent is stays strong on the skin. I would have preferred a more soft scent.
1 of 10: 5

name: Touch of Happiness
scent: Sweet Orange & Cedar Wood

I LOVE the scent of this body lotion. You recognize the scent of oranges and the cedar wood. The scent is strong but it is balanced so well.
The only thing that you might want to know is that it contains perfume/fragrance. So avoid it when you buy body lotions if you have a sensitive skin. Or when your allergic to perfume.What i do like about this body lotion  is that it has Orange fruit extract. Which means there are a lot of vitamin C in it and orange is throughout known to cure dried out skin and brightening it up.
 As I put the cream on, it's very light and moisturizing. It absorbs quick and doesn't leave that sticky feeling afterwards. I do find my skin softer after applying.
I must say I really like this product.
1 of 10: 7

name: Good Luck Scrubscent: Sweet Orange & Cedar WoodThe scent of the scrub is quiet the same as the shower oil. I cant really tell that there is cedar wood in it. The scrub is basically Sugar mixed with an oil. I think that this scrub is a little to rough for my skin. but I do like the feel of the oil that's in there. after showering I didn't need any lotion. So its definitely moisturizing! but then again I don't really like the scent of the scrub. Its too much and too sharp scented. And we don't want to smell like something you don't like right? It does contain allot of really rich nourishing oils. So if you have a very dried out skin which flakes this is a good solution. 1 of 10: 4

Well that was all there was in the gift set of Rituals! I hope you found it usefull. Thank you for reading!


Friday, December 6, 2013

So the time finaly came...

First of all!
Welcome on my site and reading the first post of my new blog.
Everything is quite new to me, so let's make the best of it!

I was always so fascinated by fashion, makeup, music and dance...
but i never realized that instead of learning new tricks and watch YouTube videos for millions of hours... I could share and teach tricks to other people.
so yeah you could say my light bulb finally lid up ha ha!
I mean, so selfish to keep things to yourself instead of sharing the benefits of knowledge.

There might have been some insecurities of thinking: ow what if they don't like it...or what if I'm not inspiring enough...etc etc. (woman's mind rattles on and on....and on..). But u know what! In this life it's all about daring. Daring to step out of your comfort zone and explore the world. So one day (which is today) I'm  just taking this chance and opportunity to make it fun for me and you! I Dare you to do so two!